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Updated: Jul 9

These are all the past reviews found in April 2023 Photos were taken of all of them.  (See Documentation)

More below & in Documentation

"Horrible staff from top to the bottom.  The head only care about the beds being filled and the bills getting paid [missing words] centered at all.  Staff driven and they have poor boundaries."

"This place is horrible.  The receptionist does not know how to do her job.  Constantly getting things wrong like time of the apt. Always had an attitude Treats you like dirt. And even when they do end up getting the time right you still have to wait like an hour before ou end up getting seen."

"This is the the best place to send anyone you love or care about to the residential or outpatient program at this facility for drug and alcohol treatment.  They are all about looking good in the country and states eyes for funding purposes.  Some stafff have no boundaries and are unethical in more ways than one.  Administrative staff stick together and lash out on people of color for speaking their mind.  They are very racist and play favorites.  This agency does not like anyone to bring new ideas to the table unless its theirs and care more about brining in the money then the well being of individuals that are seeking help.  How sad and sorry to witness this type of behavior take place in front of your eyes.  Someone would be better off trying to get clean on their own if this is their only option of help. 

I have two thumbs up to the doctors, nurses, mental health dept. and the pharmacy for their great work and caring spirits."

"Not Native American center.  It is more of a prison type setting."

"This treatment is for the lowest of the low poverty stricken individuals.  But regardless -- treatment will work if you allow it too-- Overall at least I had somewhere to go and try getting sober - and it is better than under the bridge.  I entered treatment sometime around February 2008 or so..."

"Discriminatory.  Amazing place to work at the beginning but when the director died it changed for the worse towards staff and clients well.  Several overdoses, inappropriate behavior by Supervisors and Management, and blatant discrimination towards any non Natives employed or Clients."

"Stressful job. Very stressful job, low wages, no job manual or protocols, lack of support from management, miss guided in how to do the position, unorganized and safety not always number one."  

"Thunderbird is a mixed experience.  It is a culturally challenge workplace and diversity is a challenge both with employment and client services.  It has helped a lot of people but the atmosphere is toxic and administrative support of the facility by SIHB was neglectful."  

"given new task weekly. fast paste work force. a very demanding job that requires you to be on your feet for most of the shift.  must be able to multi task through out the day."

"Scouting for potential clients."

"Sucks big time."


"I'm glad this SOB is closed."


"Bad juju don't go!!!"


"Be careful who you put your trust in.  There is always a snake in the grass at Thunderbird."


"My sister was at this place was about to graduate and got hit by another inmate and they kicked her out the day before graduation its ghetto there and its not native based like they say the facility its mixed raced and over half the staff is not native the counselors barley see there people endless you sit in the lobby and make them see you there super unorganized and I wouldn't encourage anyone to go there!"


"No personal return phone calls.  They made promises they never kept.  My son participated here.  They promised to help him get a place to live, instead they insisted stye were too busy.  Unprofessional employees were allowed to go about making choices that can change people's lives, and or ruin them.  They deal with people trying to change.  Instead he was backed into a corner."


"Kind of a quasi-prison rehab.  Met one other person here voluntarily, sort of... said judge would have order if he didn't volunteer.  Kind of a rough crowd.  They only allow meals at mealtime.  And there's a Coke machine.  Food can't leave cafeteria.  No coffee cigarettes etc. allowed.  Lights out at 10:30.  The accommodations are horrid.  Tiny cots with ancient mattresses covered in plastic, I'm sure due to bed bugs.  Lost of repeat offenders in drug court.  That place was a joke and did no good for anyone.  All of them were pathological maniacal liars and criminals.  And petty thieves that would lurk around your cabin and walk through it really abruptly for no reason.  God.  I'm going to write an article about that place for the stranger.  The group meetings are a joke, shouting matches, etc.  This makes me really uncomfortable.  Any semi-normal person I've talked to is like "many why are you here, I'd be out of here in no time."  Wisest choice I ever made was getting the fuck out there and continuing to sleep in my car until I figure things out."


"High stress but rewarding if you are in it for the clients and not the money.  No two days are the same, the sense of urgency from clients are consistent and unpredictable yet typical.  Staff appears more of the problem then the clients themselves, yet when times get really hard it's the staff that are there to help you out.  No stable or consistent rules or policies, things change as often as the clients.  If you are in it for the "hope" this is a great place to work.  if you are here for the money don't waste your time."

"Very toxic environment and incompetent management/supervisor.  Nor training offered for Resident Aides high turnover lack of support, supervisor that has no protocol procedures set into place complete lack of organization extremely toxic and chaotic at times.  Supervisor who puts staff at risk with sometimes volatile/psychotic patients Co-workers who steal money, cell phones from both patients and the company.  Run down facility with broken doors, beds, no blinds on patients rooms.  Patients that were using drugs on the property sneaking out and coming back in no support from the supervisor.  Flooding and mold that happened more than once patients who were subjected to living in these emergency situations resident aides were made to go thru these types of situations who no emergency training no protocols put into place even though resident aides continued asking for these the simplest of requirements.  Resident aides were understaffed being made to work with no breaks, supervisor throwing their leadership onto resident aides not taking responsibility for his position."

"I have been to lakeside Milan and Thunderbird I have to say after just visiting my daughter was a joke.  No security.  No structure.  Patients could come and go as they please.  The facility was not very clean.  Patients were roaming everywhere and could go out on to the street even.  You could have as much money on you as you wanted.  People have entered with alcohol or left the facility only return with alcohol.  they were kicked out of the facility eventually but to be able to arrive with alcohol should never have happened.  We could have brough in alcohol to our daughter and no one would have cared.  We never signed in but once.  There was no one to check it. You are allowed sugar, candy, caffeine, etc.  this while in recover should be a no no, even I know this.  Thunderbird was like a lay over place to stay for those that need a roof and meal for a few days.  This place was a joke.  I cannot say how the counseling was because we were never allowed to meet with the counselors that cared for our daughter.  The entire overall fee, visual and participation etc. was just ridiculously unsafe and uncleanly and very unfriendly or helpful for families.  Families should be a huge part of recovery and should be welcome.  There should be classes to include family members in the recovery process and there was no such thing at Thunderbird.  I would not recommend this facility to any families considering serious recovery for a family member.  My best friends son committed suicide after leaving this facility.  Consider another facility.  Please do not enter into Thunderbird until they choose to make this facility a reality for serious people that was to recover.  Investigate the facility prior to choosing one.  Lakeside Milam is very good but, remember that while attend Lakeside Milam you make your own recovery plan that you choose for yourself and stand by it.  I did and I'm very glad I did.  Good luck to all of you.  You are definitely in my prayers."



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