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Writer's pictureGood Neighbor Vashon


SIHB and Pramila Jayapal repeat the phrase that they've never had a violent crime at their former location.   According to our experts this is impossible.

Thunderbird claims 60% (referenced 1 quarter in 2018) will graduate their program (national average is only 42%).   Minimum 293 active addicts will walk out of the rehab.  


Multiple residents were told by SIHB that their plans for those addicts who walk out are to drop them off at the ferry.  

From, “In fact, research indicates that up to 75% of individuals who begin treatment for a SUD report having engaged in physical assault, mugging, using a weapon to attack another person, and other violent crimes."

Review of the closed Thunderbird describes violence.  (See documentation)

Violence happens at most drug rehabs, but it is rarely reported to the police. It is written up as an incident and placed inside a patients private file.


Rehabs are not allowed to physically nor medically restrain patients.  Rehabs cannot force violent patients to stay inside the facility. 

It is impossible for patients to be completely vetted for past violent crimes.  One expert told a story of a male addict, almost 18 years old who was raping children.  He went into rehab as an 18 year old - his past crime was not on his record due to being a minor.  Also, violent crimes can be plead down to lesser crimes.  

Two islanders were told by a SIHB rep that the bathroom fixtures had to be replaced so that they could not be used as weapons.  

SIHB is planning for armed guards.

There is not ONE crime study done referencing a large rehab on a remote residential island.  This location cannot be compared to any other crime study in a residential neighborhood.

This is a grand experiment which the many retired and elderly Vashon residents should not be forced to be a part of.  



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